Saturday, October 9, 2010

October 8 2010 thru October 15 2010

Today, we have a the JSU Halftime Show schedule during the game between Jackson State Univrsity and University Alabama A&M. Student Sports Director Maurice Richardson and the JSU22 Sports Team will have fan reaction from the game along with comments for the Coach at JSU. I'll be videotaping and producing the Halftime Show. Also this Weekend I have to finish editing video of the Career Fair held on this past Thursday for broadcast on JSU22 for Monday. This week we found out that we were back on the air with a strong siginal on the main campus with great video and sound. There's still a problem on the E-Center site but we're hoping to resolve that issue. Also I'll be editing video of the football game from last week and this week to run on JSU22 for Monday.

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